30 of The Best Lab Mix

Labrador Retrievers are the most liked dog breed in the world, ranking as the number one dog breed to own according to the AKC. It is due to their love of everyone and everything! So no wonder why people want them a Lab mix!

Labradors are so easygoing that they can be mated with any other dog breed creating a new Lab Mix bred like the Labrotties, Labradoodles, or the Afador just to name a few Labrador mixes.

In this article, we will give you 30 of the best Labrador mix out in the world! If you have a Labrador mix and or any type of mixed dog breed and you would like to put your dog’s photo onto our Labrottie Nation photo gallery. All we would need is for you to give use this info on your dog:

  • breed type
  • back story
  • and his/her name/s

And you can send it you our email!

The Doberman Lab mix
Onyx our Doberman Labrador mix. Found at a park, he was skin and bones when we took him in.

1. Labrotties (Labrador/Rottweiler)

The Rottweiler Lab Mix appearance will take on the Rottweiler body with the head of the Labrador which is domed - Lab mix Labrottie.com
  • Weight – 70 – 110 pounds
  • Height – 20 – 27 inches (A large dog on the large dog breed list.)
  • Lifespan – 10 – 12 years
  • Exercise – 30 – 45 minutes of walking, running, playing.
  • Training – Start early and it will save you a lot of hassle in the end.
  • Socialization – Start when he/she is a puppy take her to puppy classes as soon as you can.
  • Temperament – Loving, loyal, protective, playful, watchful, goofball, soft & can suffer from separation anxiety.
  • Grooming – 10 minutes of brushing during summer, 30 minutes in spring and fall because of their double coat.
  • House or Apartment – No they need a large to a mid-sized yard.

The Labrottie is a Rottweiler Labrador mix their temperament is:

  • protective
  • eager
  • loving
  • gentle
  • playful

The Rottweiler Lab Mix appearance will take on the Rottweiler body with the head of the Labrador which is domed. Like all large dog breeds, the Rottweiler Lab Mix needs A LOT of exercises!

You’re getting this theme by now, right? This dog breed fits best in a family that is often outdoors, hiking, biking, running, etc due to his/her energy levels.

Wish to read more about the Rottweiler Labrador mix?

2. Doberdor (Doberman/Labrador)

The Doberman Lab mix
Onyx our Doberman Labrador mix. Found at a park, he was skin and bones when we took him.
  • Height – 20 – 24 inches
  • Weight – 60 – 100 pounds
  • Lifespan – 10 – 14 years
  • Colors – Black, Yellow, Chocolate, Blue/Rust, Fawn/rust, Red/Rust, Rust/black
  • Exercise – 30 – 45 minutes of running, walking, playing, training.
  • Training – Start early and it will save you a lot of hassle in the end. I was dragged halfway around a track park by this guy when he was younger.
  • Socialization – Start when he/she is a puppy take her to puppy classes as soon as you can
  • Temperament – You never know, one pup could favor the Dober, while the other the Lab
  • Grooming – 10 – 15 minutes weekly
  • House or Apartment? – No needs large to a midsized house with a yard

The Doberdor is a Doberman Labrador mix, a graceful yet powerful alpha dog. This regal breed needs a strong and confident alpha pack leader! The Labrador Doberman Mix will have a very powerful body, mind, and spirit.

So if you are not up to taking firm but gentle control of an energetic dog breed, please move on! However, if you’re up for the challenge and are willing to take the time to train and socialize your pup.

If you would like to know more then here is the link to the Doberman Lab Mix

3. Goldador (Golden retriever/Labrador)

Golden Retrieves Lab mix is an excellent combination of the Golden Retriever - Lab mix Labrottie.com
  • Height – 22 – 24 inches tall
  • Weight – 60 – 80 pounds
  • Lifespan – 10 – 15 years
  • Colors – Black, Yellow, Gold, Red
  • Exercise – 30 to 35 minutes of walking, running and playing
  • Training – Start early and it will save you a lot of hassle in the end
  • Socialization – Start when he/she is a puppy take her to puppy classes as soon as you can
  • Temperament – Very easy going great with children and strangers! Loyal, playful, Kind, & Friendly
  • Grooming – 10 – 15 minutes every other day.
  • House or apartment? – No needs large to a midsized house with a yard.

Golden Retrieves Lab mix is an excellent combination of the Golden Retriever and Labrador both are very popular dog breeds.

The Goldador is a handsome, energetic, gentle, loving, playful, and loyal family dog! The Golden Retriever Labrador mix is a great fit for those who want a large dog that is neither too hard to handle nor aggressive.

For that reason, the Goldador is a perfect dog for first-time dog owners to older people who still want a large dog but who are gentle and soft to everyone. 

Do you want to know more about the Golden Retriever Lab Mix?

Lab Mix-Labrador Mix

4. Labradane (Labrador/Great Dane)

45 minutes of good, walking, running, playing maybe more- Lab mix Labrottie.com
  • Weight –  140 – 160 pounds
  • Height – 26 – 30 inches a Real GIANT!
  • Lifespan – 10 – 12 years
  • Colors – White, Black, Brown, Brindle.
  • Exercise – 45 minutes of good, walking, running, playing maybe more.
  • Training – 15 minutes everyday Esp, practice on a leash. (You don’t want to be dragged behind a leash by these guys.
  • Socialization – They should be going to a puppy training class, and going out and about with you every chance you get.
  • Temperament – A gentle giant, and very intelligent.
  • Grooming – 10 minutes of brushing each week.
  • House or Apartment? – No, they need a house and a large yard or park nearby.

Labradanes have several different names like the Great Dane Lab mix, Labrador Great Dane mix. They are the gentle giants who only want to curl up and be a couch potato with the rest of the family. But when your active outside they turn into speedy Gonzales and are super eager to play fetch.

Do you want to know more about the Labradane?

5. Sheprador, Labrashepherd (Labrador/German Shepherd)

The German Shepherd Lab Mix is a combination of the two- Lab mix Labrottie.com
Autumn the Shepador
  • Weight- 75 – 95 pounds
  • Height-20 – 25 inches tall
  • Lifespan- 10 – 12 years
  • Colors- Black, White, Red, Cream, Blue, and Grey.
  • Exercise- At least 1 hour
  • Training- Train them every single day
  • Socialization- Start from a very young age!
  • Temperament- You never know, one pup could favor the German Shepherd, while the other the Lab.
  • Grooming- Brush daily; otherwise, you will be swimming in dog hair.
  • House or Apartment- No needs a house with a yard

The German Shepherd Lab Mix is a combination of the two best dog breeds in the world! Did you know that the Labrador is the number one family dog in America and the U.K? Labs are loving, caring, goofy, playful, loyal, so no wonder why they are so beloved!

German Shepherds are the second-best family dog in America! The German Shepherd is loyal, protective, playful, powerful!

If you would like to know more then here is the link to the Shepador.

6. Bullador (Bulldog/Labrador)

Lab mix Labrottie.com
Photo from Pinterest
  • Weight- 50 – 90 pounds
  • Height- 17 – 20 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 12 years
  • Exercise- 20 – 30 minutes of walking, running, & or playing
  • Training- 15 minutes
  • Socialization- Start while a puppy
  • Temperament- Friendly, outgoing, playful,
  • Grooming- 5 – 10 minutes
  • House or apartment- No needs a house with a yard

The Bullador is a large dog breed that is quite lazy despite their big stature. They are more than happy to lazy upon the couch and be given food than being outside getting exercise. So just watch how much food you give your dog for their might be a tendency to become obese.

7. Dalmador (Dalmation/Labrador)

Kind, Loving, Playful, Easy going, great with kids- Lab mix Labrottie.com
Photo by 101dogbreeds.com
  • Weight- 48 – 74 pounds
  • Height- 19 – 23 inches
  • Lifespan- 11 – 13 inches
  • Colors- Brown, White, and Black
  • Exercise- An hour or more of exercise
  • Training- Train as soon as you can
  • Socialization- Take puppy classes
  • Temperament- Kind, Loving, Playful, Easy going, great with kids
  • Grooming- Brush weekly
  • House or apartment?- No needs a house and yard

The Dalmation Lab Mix or Dalmador is a fantastic dog to own! It is a combination of intelligence, courage, and protectiveness. They can be easy-going, lovable, kind, and loyal to the people and family members that the dog knows. They can also sometimes be protective of the family with unfamiliar people.

Lab Mix-Labrador Mix

8. Bullmasador (Bullmastiff/Labrador)

Go out as soon as you get him, take him to puppy classes, malls, coffee shops- Lab mix Labrottie.com
photo by dogbreedinfo.com
  • Weight- 70 – 140 pounds
  • Height- 23 – 25 inches
  • Lifespan- 8 – 14 years
  • Colors- Red, Fawn, Brindle, Black & White, Brown, Chocolate
  • Exercise- 40 or more minutes of playing, walking, or running
  • Training- Train from a little and keep on training for the rest of his life.
  • Socialization- Go out as soon as you get him, take him to puppy classes, malls, coffee shops.
  • Temperament- You never know, one pup could favor the Bullmastiff, while the other the Lab.
  • Grooming- Brush 10 – 15 minutes weekly
  • House or apartment?- House! If you don’t want to be replacing broken things every day.

The Mastador is a mixed dog breed, which is a cross between the Mastiff and Labrador. The Mastiff Lab Mix is a GIANT dog breed that is energetic, loving, loyal, playful, and gentle. 

To own the Mastiff Lab Mix, you must have at least owned a headstrong alpha dog breed! You must have owned a breed that thinks of itself as the alpha over anything that wanders into its property.

You must know how to be the pack leader and how to quickly and firmly take control of any situation that your new dog will put you into. 

Image by PuppyFinder.com

9. Borador (Border Collie/Labrador)

The Border Collie Labrador mix or the Borador is a perfect family dog that is a little smaller than a medium- Lab mix Labrottie.com
Image by PuppyFinder.com
  • Weight – 40 – 60 pounds
  • Height – 19 – 22 inches tall
  • Lifespan – 14 – 15 years
  • Colors – Black and White
  • Exercise – 30 – 40 minutes
  • Training – Both Collies, and Labs are extremely smart, so training them won’t be hard at all.
  • Socialization – Began when you get your puppy/adult.
  • Temperament – Goes great with kids, and strangers alike.
  • Grooming – brush 15 minutes weekly
  • House or apartment – Good in either one

The Border Collie Labrador mix or the Borador is a perfect family dog that is a little smaller than a medium-sized dog breed.

The Labrador Border Collie mix is a loving, gentle, caring, playful, eager, teachable dog breed. They can weigh as much as 60 pounds and are perfect for small houses or apartments.

What makes them such great companions with any person is no matter the age is that the parents of the Border Collie Labrador Mix are such calm, loving dog breeds.

If you would like to know more then here is the link to the Labrador Border Collie Mix

10. Huskador (Siberian Husky/ Labrador)

The Huskador or the Labrador Husky mix. This breed is a stunning dog to have! They can weigh between- Lab mix Labrottie.com
photo by imgur
  • Weight-  40 – 45 pounds
  • Height- 20 – 24 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 15 years
  • Major Health Concerns– PRA, Bloat, Cold tail, Hip and Elbow dysplasia, Cataracts
  • Grooming- Brush daily
  • Colors- Black, Brown, White, Cream, Grey normally short
  • Eye Color- Blue, Hazel, Brown, Amber
  • Exercise- An hour of exercise
  • Training- While they are young, you need to train them each day.
  • Socialization- Take your puppy to a puppy training class to help socialize her.
  • Temperament- Friendly, Playful, Affectionate
  • House or apartment?- Does great in an apartment

The Huskador or the Labrador Husky mix. This breed is a stunning dog to have! They can weigh between 50 – 80 pounds, and they are very energetic and active, so probably not the best apartment dweller unless you have lots of time to exercise him/her.

We will take you through every important facts about the Labrador Husky Mix. First, we will talk about both breeds separately then combined.

If you would like to know more then here is the link to the Huskador.

11. Boxador (Boxer/Labrador)

The Boxador is a strong protective dog that is loving- Lab mix Labrottie.com
  • Weight-  50 – 100 pounds
  • Height- 23 – 26 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 12 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Bloat, cold tail, cancer, allergies
  • Grooming- Brush Weekly
  • Colors- Black, Brindle, Brown, White
  • Eye Color- Brown
  • Exercise- An hour of running, playing, walking, or fetching
  • Training- Train them for thirty minutes each day
  • Socialization- Take everywhere you go
  • Temperament- Kind, Gentle, Watchful, Funny,
  • House or apartment?- No, the Boxador needs a house, and a yard to play around in

The Boxador or Boxer Labrador Mix is an excellent mixture of love, playfulness, eagerness to please, fast learner, with just a dash of protectiveness!

The Boxer Lab mix is a great medium-sized family dog that is gentle with older adults and your kids when trained right. If not trained right when the Boxador is a puppy, the full-grown Labrador Boxer mix will be a challenging dog to own.

If you would like to know more then here is the link to the Boxador article.

Lab Mix-Labrador Mix

12. Labrakita (Labrador/Akita)

This is a large dog breed that is loving, caring, playful, to adults, if you have- Lab Mix Labrottie.com
Photo by Reddit.com
  • Weight-  70 – 100 pounds
  • Height- 22 – 15 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 12 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Hip Dysplasia
  • Grooming- Brush Weekly
  • Colors- Black, Red, Brown, Cream, Grey, White, Fawn, Pied, Brindle
  • Eye Color- Hazel, Brown, Amber
  • Exercise- Run, play, walk,  90 minutes a day
  • Training- 30 minutes a day Especially on being with other animals
  • Socialization- Take your puppy to puppy training, and once she is older take her to the dog park, Also take her everywhere you go into town.
  • House or apartment?- It does great in either one!

This is a large dog breed that is loving, caring, playful, to adults, if you have small to medium sized children get another breed. The Labrakita is not a patient or kind dog to small children

13. Labradoodle (Labrador/Poodle)

The Labradoodle Lab Mix Labrottie.com
  • Weight-  45 – 65 pounds
  • Height- 21 – 24 inches
  • Lifespan- 12 – 15 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Elbow & hip dysplasia, Hypothyroidism, and Epilepsy
  • Grooming- A weekly brushing, and when you give the Labradoodle a bath use Shampoo for their fur is hair.
  • Colors- Cream, Silver, Red, Brindle, Black
  • Eye Color- Hazel
  • Exercise- 35 – 45 minutes a day of walking, running, playing
  • Training- 15 minutes a day while still a puppy, they learn very fast!
  • Socialization- Take her to puppy classes
  • Temperament- Eager to please, playful, cuddly, watchful, goofball, Loyal
  • House or Apartment?- House

What are Labradoodles? Where does it come from? Labradoodles are half Labrador and half Poodle, the Labradoodles temperament is cheerful and affectionate and always ready for play.

Did you know that the Poodle is ranked at number seven for the best family dog? While the Labrador is ranked as the number 1 family dog around the world!

If you would like to know more then here is the link to the Labradoodle!

14. Afador (Afghan Hound/Labrador)

Lab Mix Labrottie.com
photo by PetGuid.com
  • Weight- 50 – 70 pounds
  • Height- 24 – 29 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 12 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Bloating, Hip & Elbow dysplasia, and retinal dysplasia
  • Grooming- Brush them every day for at least 10 minutes
  • Colors- Black, Brown, Grey, Red, Fawn
  • Eye Color- Hazel
  • Exercise- 30 – 45 minutes of walking, running, playing
  • Training- Train them for 10 – 15 minutes each day
  • Socialization- Take her to a puppy class, and take her where ever you go out in public
  • Temperament- Carefree, loving, Loyal, Eager,
  • House or apartment?- House

Loving, playful, and caring, the Afador need large open spaces to run about in along with long daily exercise.

Lab Mix Article

15. Bassador (Basset Hound/Labrador)

The Bassador is a mix between the Basset Hound and Lab - Labrottie.com
Photo by Sweetbippy.blogspot.com
  • Weight-  50-70 pounds
  • Height- 15-18 inches
  • Lifespan- 10-12 years
  • Major Health Concerns-
  • Grooming- 5 minutes a week
  • Eye Color- Hazel
  • Exercise- 15 minutes
  • Training- 10-15 minutes a day while a puppy
  • Socialization- Take her to a puppy class
  • Temperament- Kind, Gentle, Friendly,
  • House or Apartment?- Does great in either one

16. Labahoula (Labrador/Catahoula)

We later found out that they cost thousands upon thousands of dollars we named her Java. A photo of Java is down below - Labrottie.com
photo by mom.me

We had a Pure breed Catahoula Leopard dog that just wandered on to our property when she was about six months old.

My parents took her to the vet to get her spayed, and they asked several times if we were sure we wanted to continue with the operation.

We later found out that they cost thousands upon thousands of dollars we named her Java. A photo of Java is down below.

We had a Pure breed Catahoula Leopard dog that just wandered on to our property when she was about six months old - Labrottie.com
Photo from Labrottie.com

The Labrahoula traits

  • Weight- 55 – 95 pounds
  • Height- 20 – 24 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 12 years
  • Major Health Concerns- elbow/hip dysplasia
  • Grooming- Brush every other week
  • Colors- Red, Sable, Brindle, Black
  • Eye Color- Amber, Blue, Brown, Hazel
  • Good with a new pet owner?- They will run your life if you do not already have a few pets already under your belt.
  • Exercise- At least an hour and a half of walking, running, playing, or even herding work at a local farm
  • Training- Train at a very young age and then keep training, also have firm guidance on what you train them in.
  • Socialization- The Leopard Catahoula are bred for hunting, and can become very overprotective if not appropriately socialized at a very young age.
  • Temperament- Smart, protective, loving, playful, watchful, loyal, always herding people and things around, strong-willed (Which requires you to have a firm but loving hold on their will power.). An excellent judge of people’s characters, like if they are trustworthy.
    They do very poorly if left outside alone they are a friendly type of dog that needs to be with the family. They can be aggressive to other dogs esp if they are both males and not trained properly from the beginning.
  • House or apartment?- No, they need a house and a visible fence, the Labahoula can as I said above be aggressive to other dogs and so requires a physical barrier so that the other dog does not wander into “his/he” territory.

Lab Mix-Labrador Mix

17. Labrador/ Cane Corso

The Labrador Cane Corso Mix by Labrottie.com
Photo by Pinterest
  • Weight- 55 – 110 pounds
  • Height- 22 – 28 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 12 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Hip/Elbow dysplasia
  • Grooming- brush weekly
  • Colors- Grey, Blue, Black, Brown, Red, Fawn, Brindle
  • Eye Color- Amber, Brown, Hazel
  • Exercise- 50 – 60 minutes
  • Training- 30 – 45 minutes each day
  • Socialization- They need it at a very young age, so take them to puppy classes, and everywhere you go in the city or town.
  • Temperament- Happy, Protective, Loyal, Watchful, Eager, Playful
  • House or apartment?- No, they need a house with a fence

18. Labrabull (Labrador/Pitbull)

The Labrabull has six other familiar names like the Lab-Pit, Pitador, Pit-Lab, the Pitador-Retriever, the Labrador Pitbull Mix, and the Pitbull Labrador Mix.
Photo by Dogbreedinfo.com
  • Weight-  45 – 90 pounds
  • Height- 20 – 24 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 14 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Bloat, Epilepsy
  • Grooming- Brush weekly
  • Colors- Grey, Black, Fawn, Silver, Brown
  • Eye Color- Hazel, Brown
  • Exercise- 30 – 45 minutes running, walking, playing
  • Training- 30 minutes each day
  • Socialization- Start at a young age at puppy training and take her to the city or town whenever you can
  • Temperament- Kind, Gentle, playful, Loyal
  • House or Apartment?- Needs a house with a yard

The Labrabull has six different names:

  • Lab-Pit
  • Pitador
  • Pit-Lab
  • Pitador-Retriever
  • Labrador Pitbull Mix
  • Pitbull Labrador Mix

A Labrador Pitbull Mix can look like a pit bull, and yet he/she can have the loving spirit of a Labrador. And the exact opposite can be true, the body of a Labrador with the coloring of a pitbull and head shape of the Pitbull.

Their fur colors could be: grey, black, fawn, silver, brown, and or silver. But most of the time the Pitador will mostly be the color of black except for the chest and the tip of the tail.

The labrabull is a small to medium-sized fellow. S/he will be around 20-24 inches at the shoulders. Their temperament is kind, gentle, playful, loving, loyal, silly, and best of all a hard work.

If you would like to know more then here is the link to the Labrabull – A Labrador Pitbull Mix

19. Weimador (Weimaraner/Labrador

The Labrador Mix article - Labrottie.com
Photo by Dogbreedinfo.com
  • Weight- 55 – 100 pounds
  • Height- 21 – 24 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 14 years
  • Major Health Concerns– Heart conditions, Bloat, Retinal Atrophy
  • Grooming- weekly brushing
  • Colors- Silver, Grey, Brown, Black
  • Eye Color- Amber, Blue
  • Exercise- 50 – 60 minutes of running, walking, playing
  • Training- Take her out to puppy classes, then take her home and start training her to follow your commands.
  • Socialization- Take her out into public to let her get used to people
  • Temperament- Kind, Gentle, Loyal, Playful, Silly, Loving, Friendly
  • House or Apartment?- No needs a house with a backyard

20. Labernese (Labrador/Bernese Mountain Dog)

Labrador Mix Breed - Weight-  65-110 pounds - Labrottie.com
Photo by Krystal Spano
  • Weight-  65 – 110 pounds
  • Height- 24 – 26 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 12 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Cancer, Bloating, Heart Problems
  • Grooming- Brush at least 15 minutes each day
  • Colors- Tricolor
  • Eye Color- Brown
  • Exercise- 50 to 65 minutes of running, walking, playing
  • Training- Take them to puppy classes and train them to follow your commands you do not want an out of control Labernese running around your house.
  • Socialization- Take him out with you each time you go out into public.
  • Temperament- The Labrernese are a Kind, Loyal, Gentle, Affectionate, Intelligent, and Eager to please.
  • House or Apartment?- No, the Labernese needs a house with a large yard to play in.

21. Springador (Springer Spaniel/Labrador)

he Springer Spaniel Lab mix or otherwise known as the Springador is a small to medium-sized dog breed that makes for a great family pet. - Labrottie.com
Photo by Liz Christner
  • Weight-  60 – 80 pounds
  • Height- 18 – 22 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 14 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Hip & Elbow Dysplasia
  • Grooming- Brush weekly
  • Colors- Cream, Black, Brown
  • Eye Color- Brown
  • Exercise- 30 minutes
  • Training- Take him to the puppy classes and also train her to follow your commands when you are not at the puppy classes.
  • Socialization- Take her where ever you go
  • Temperament- Kind, Gentle, Friendly, Loyal, Happy
  • House or Apartment?- Needs a house with a yard.

The Springer Spaniel Lab mix or otherwise known as the Springador is a small to medium-sized dog breed that makes for a great family pet. Sprinadors are loving, extremely easy to train, easy-go-lucky, loyal, playful, and very gentle.

Springador’s are perfect for first-time dog owners, families with small children, or older adults who want a small to medium-sized dog.

If the Springador is of interest to you we have the full article here!

Lab Mix- Labrador Mix

22. Lab-Pointer (Labrador/Pointer)

Lab Mix #Dr.Who #AnimalRescue #HumaneSociety #Baby #PicturesOf #Shelters #Life #1Year #6Months #Website #Heart #IWant #Guys #Comment #Families #Articles #Doggies #Plays #Cas #BestFriends #BlueEyes #Boys #SoCute #NewYork
Photo by Puphome.com
  • Weight-  55 – 80 pounds
  • Height- 21 – 25 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 14 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Hip & Elbow dysplasia,
  • Grooming- brush once a week
  • Colors-  Black, Brown, White
  • Eye Color- Brown, Amber
  • Exercise- 40 – 50 minutes
  • Training- Take him to puppy classes, also teach him to follow your commands where and whenever.
  • Socialization- Take him where ever you go when you can.
  • Temperament- Loyal, Kind, Gentle, Loving, Playful
  • House or Apartment?- No needs to live in a house with a yard.

23. Greyador (Greyhound/Labrador)

Lab Mix #Dr.Who #AnimalRescue #HumaneSociety #Baby #PicturesOf #Shelters #Life #1Year #6Months #Website #Heart #IWant #Guys #Comment #Families #Articles #Doggies #Plays #Cas #BestFriends #BlueEyes #Boys #SoCute #NewYork
Photo by The Labrador Site
  • Weight-  50 – 80 pounds
  • Height- 21 – 27 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 12 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Gastric Torsion and Hip dysplasia,
  • Grooming- Brush once or twice every two weeks
  • Colors- Brindle, Red, Blue, Black, Fawn, Silver, Grey, Brown
  • Eye Color- Brown
  • Exercise- An hour or more
  • Training- Take him to puppy classes, and train him whenever your home until he is an adult
  • Socialization- Take her out whenever you go out of your house to let her get accustomed to strangers, places, and sounds.
  • Temperament- Loyal, Kind, Gentle, Loving, Playful
  • House or apartment?- House

24. Aussiedor (Australian Shepherd/Labrador)

The Lab Australian Shepherd Mix or Aussiedor is a gorgeous mixed dog breed! Their fur color is that of the Australian Shepherd, and the body type is mostly that of the Lab. - Lab Mix Labrottie.com
Photo by Trisha Sebeck
  • Weight- 40 – 80 pounds
  • Height- 22 – 25 inches
  • Lifespan-
  • Major Health Concerns- Elbow & Hip dysplasia
  • Grooming- Once every week
  • Colors- Tricolor
  • Eye Color- Brown
  • Exercise- Hour of running, playing, training, or herding
  • Training- Lots and LOTS of training to keep your dog out of trouble!
  • Socialization- Take her out into the public whenever you can.
  • Temperament- A handful for a novice owner they can be loving, carefree, workaholic, loyal, if they aren’t working, then they need tons of training and exercise. By work, I mean taking them to a local farm and have them driving the animal around.
  • House or apartment?– House

The Lab Australian Shepherd Mix or Aussiedor is a gorgeous mixed dog breed! Their fur color is that of the Australian Shepherd, and the body type is mostly that of the Lab.

The Lab Australian Shepherd mix is a great fit for those who a new to the dog world since they are easier to train and handle in general. Unlike the Rottie Aussie mix, which needs a firm yet loving hand, the Lab Australian Shepherd is just the opposite.

If the Aussiedor is of interest to you we have the full article here!

Lab Mix-Labrador Mix

25. Spanador (Cocker Spaniel/ Labrador)

Spanador, their temperament is a loving, gentle, caring, playful, eager, and easily teachable dog breed. Lab Mix - Labrottie.com
Photo by Pintrest
  • Weight-  20 – 50 pounds
  • Height- 18 – 22 inches
  • Lifespan- 11 – 17 years old
  • Major Health Concerns- Cataracts, Hip dysplasia, Bloat
  • Grooming- 10-15 minutes of brushing
  • Colors- White, Fawn, Red, Cream Black
  • Eye Color- Brown
  • Exercise- 15 – 25 minutes
  • Training- 15 minutes each day
  • Socialization- Take her to puppy classes and also take her out about in the city.
  • Temperament- Gentle, Loving, Playful, Loyal
  • House or apartment?- Due to their small size, they are a perfect fit for your lifestyle in an apartment

The Cocker Spaniel Lab mix is a small to medium-sized dog breed weighing 20 to 50 pounds. You can also call them the Spanador, their temperament is a loving, gentle, caring, playful, eager, and easily teachable dog breed.

Laid-back and sociable, Spanadors are great family dogs that are non-aggressive to strangers and other household pets. They will alert you to strangers approaching the house, but their parent breeds are not specifically bred for guarding you or the house.

If the Spanador is of interest to you we have the full article here!

26. Corgidor (Corgi/ Labrador

The Corgidor Is a short and very stubby dog but otherwise is loving and generous with the family. Lab Mix Labrottie.com
Photo by Pintrest
  • Weight- 40 – 50 pounds
  • Height- 12 – 20 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 12 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Intervertebral disc disease, hip & elbow dysplasia
  • Grooming- 5 – 10 minutes of brushing every week
  • Colors- White, Red, Black,
  • Eye Color- Brown
  • Exercise- 30 – 40 minutes
  • Training- at least 30 minutes each day
  • Socialization- Take your Corgidor to puppy classes
  • Temperament- Kind, docile, loving, playful, loyal
  • House or apartment?- Due to their size, they can stay in an apartment.

27. Lab X Dogo Argentino

ALPHA pack leader! The Dogo Argentina was bred for dog fights, hunting, and protection and is extremely adept at it! You MUST train them when you get home. Everything he does he needs to earn, he needs to work for his food.
  • Weight- 60 – 100 pounds
  • Height- 20 – 26 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 12 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Hip & Elbow dysplasia
  • Grooming- Once a week
  • Colors- White
  • Eye Color- Brown
  • Exercise- 50 – 60 minutes Along with a job
  • Training- This dog is NOT for the first time dog owners! Dogo Argentina needs a confident ALPHA pack leader! The Dogo Argentina was bred for dog fights, hunting, and protection and is extremely adept at it! You MUST train them when you get home. Everything he does he needs to earn, he needs to work for his food. They also need a job to do! They will not sit around at the door for you, otherwise, they will create a job for them selfs. This action of not giving your dog a job may result in your dog going into a dog shelter and labeled as aggressive.
  • Socialization- Take him out all the time this is an absolute MUST!
  • Temperament- The Dogo Argentina is protective, very territorial so you must have a high and very sturdy fence in case another dog is roaming free. They also have a high prey drive that is the other reason why they need a real wall and not an invisible fence
  • House or Apartment?- No needs a house and a tall fenced in back yard.

28. Schnauzer Lab Mix

The Schnauzer Lab mix can be very wary of strangers, so taking her out into the public is cruel if you want a well behaved dog. Lab Mix-Labrottie.com
  • Weight- 17 – 23 inches
  • Height- 35 – 70 pounds
  • Lifespan- 12 – 14 years
  • Major Health Concerns- Hips & Elbow dysplasia
  • Grooming- Brush them twice a week
  • Colors- Puppies can have any coat color regardless of their parents.
  • Eye Color- Brown
  • Exercise- 30 – 45 minutes
  • Training- Train your puppy at an early age, the Schnauzer and Lab are brilliant dogs!
  • Socialization- The Schnauzer Lab mix can be very wary of strangers, so taking her out into the public is cruel if you want a well behaved dog.
  • Temperament- Laid back, and watchful, kind, loyal, the Schnauzer dog breed is very tender to rough playing.
  • House or Apartment?- Does great in an apartment

29. Frenchie Labrador (French Bulldog/ Labrador

Lab Mix  #Pitbull #GermanShepherd #BorderCollies #Theater #Weimaraner #Boxer #Husky #Terrier #Beagle #Doberman #Corgi #Dogs #Golden #Spaniel #Rottweiler #Puppy #Black #Pets #Faces #Sweets #Home
  • Weight- 35 pounds
  • Height- 16 – 18 inches
  • Lifespan- 9 – 15 years
  • Major Health Concerns- N/A
  • Grooming- 5 – 10 minutes every week
  • Colors- black, white, brown
  • Eye Color- Brown
  • Exercise- 15 – 25 minutes a day
  • Training- 10 – 20 minutes each day
  • Socialization- Take her out into the city whenever you go.
  • Temperament- Kind, gentle, loyal, loving, playful
  • House or apartment?- Apartment

30. Lab’Aire

Lab Mix  #Pitbull #GermanShepherd #BorderCollies #Theater #Weimaraner #Boxer #Husky #Terrier #Beagle #Doberman #Corgi #Dogs #Golden #Spaniel #Rottweiler #Puppy #Black #Pets #Faces #Sweets #Home
Photo by Puppyfinder.com
  • Weight- 50 – 80 pounds
  • Height- 20 – 24 inches
  • Lifespan- 10 – 15 years!
  • Major Health Concerns-
  • Grooming- Gastric Torsion, Hip & Elbow dysplasia
  • Colors- Black, White, Grey
  • Eye Color– Brown
  • Exercise- The Lab’ Aire is a highly active dog, so you will need to exercise him for an hour or more.
  • Training- Each day train him for 30-45 minutes, also take her to puppy classes.
  • Socialization- Take her where ever you go in the city.
  • Temperament- Kind, Gentle, High Prey Drive, Loving, Loyal
  • House or apartment?- Needs a house with a medium, large-sized yard to play.

Conclusion of the Lab Mix Article

The team at Labrottie thank’s you for reading this article! We hope you have enjoyed reading about all the beautiful Lab Mix labrador mix here. We also hope we have persuaded you to get a Lab Mix puppy! Good luck and may you have many happy moments with your new fur baby!

For those of you who have or are going to get a new puppy! We have several dog name article just for you.

Happy tails!

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